Walter Philipp

Dependence in Probability, Analysis and Number Theory

A volume in memory of Walter Philipp.

Author: Edited by Istvan Berkes, Richard C. Bradley, Herold Dehling, Magda Peligrad and Robert Tichy.

Kendrick Press, 2010. iv+ 353 pages.
ISBN 0-9793183-8-6 Paperback,$100.

In 2006, Professor Walter Philipp passed away suddenly during a hike in the Austrian alps as a result of a sudden heart attack. Walter Philipp was a leading researcher in the area of limit theorems for weakly dependent stochastic processes and their applications to analysis and number theory.

The present volume, dedicated to his memory, contains papers by former colleagues, coauthors, students and friends. Most of the papers were presented at the conference "Dependence in Probability, Analysis and Number Theory" at the Technical University of Graz, Austria, in June 2009. The broad range of topics, all related to areas of active current research, bears witness to the lasting influence of Walter Philipp's work.

A full list of the 21 papers in the volume can be found here in the Table of Contents*


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